Pictures and Videos

photos and videos
of shantimaya

shantimaya leading kirtan

we’re really bad for taking pictures so sometimes we’re blurry, but we’re always in the spirit! this is a small collection of some of the places we’ve chanted.  this collection doesn’t include singing on the streets of new orleans, chanting the maha mantra in a beer tent, busking at the metro toronto convention centre, or chanting the maha mrityunjaya in an english market (the produce boy actually liked it!) . . . . yes, some experiences are best left to memory

previews of ruminations of shantimaya

shantimaya is ecstatic to announce the release of our CD Ruminations of Shantimaya!   here are a few video snippets that offer up a tiny preview of where the journey has taken us!  a few samples are over on the sidebar

chanting the maha mantra at the Festival of the Holy Name

In April, 2020, ShantiMaya was incredibly honoured to be asked to chant at the festival of the holy name! We logged in for half an hour from our home in Ontario, and chanted our hearts out to krishna and to the world at large! it was an exhilarating experience both from a spiritual and technical 🙂 standpoint. Nothing beats chanting the maha mantra a few dozen times!

shantimaya doing other stuff

there isn’t much difference between leading kirtan and doing everything else, because the chant neither begins nor ends – so here we are chasing stone circles in the uk, driving the interstates in the us, pitching our tent, snapping cheesy selfies, spinning prayer wheels, and singing the whole time